your family
Family Law
in Rockwall, Texas
Experienced Attorney Serving All of
Kaufman, Rockwall, Van Zandt and Dallas Counties
set goals
seek solutions
guidance for divorce & family law
Making the decision to divorce your spouse is never easy. With divorce comes countless emotional and financial hurdles, including numerous legal processes. If children are involved, even more decisions need to be made. It's natural to feel overwhelmed when life seems to change for you so quickly.
As an experienced divorce attorney in Rockwall, Texas, Shauna Sinclair can lead you through each of the necessary steps when seeking a stress-free transition. From determining child support and child custody agreements to explaining the division of assets in a divorce, Shauna seeks positive results.
When children are involved in a family matter, suddenly the stakes are raised. From guiding you in determining child support (and child support modification) to starting the adoption process, Shauna seeks to hear your story, setting realistic goals for you and your family every step of the way.
Dedicated to offering high-quality services to each client, Sinclair Law Group PC serves all of Kaufman, Rockwall, and Dallas Counties in ensuring that your voice is heard and your case is in good hands. Schedule an initial consultation today to get started on this new journey for you and your family.
Compassionate approach
Attorney Sinclair will listen to your story, applying her decades of experience to really understand what your case means to you.
honest communication
A realistic assessment of each and every case is important. You'll be told what you need to hear, when you need to hear it.
high ethical standard
You need excellence from your attorney during tough times. Sinclair Law Group strives to live up to a very high standard of practice.

Shauna was helpful, personable and really took the time to listen and understand what I was needing help with.
She did such a great job . I got what I wanted. She's worth every penny.
Shauna Sinclair is very thorough, attentive, and provides excellent service at a very reasonable rate.