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What Happens to Shared Property and Debt in a Divorce?

Understanding how Texas law approaches the issues of shared property and debt can help you navigate your divorce with greater confidence and clarity. Familiarizing yourself with the state's specific regulations and procedures for divorce will provide you with valuable insights into what to expect throughout the process.

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At What Age Does a Child Get to Choose Which Parent to Live with in Texas?

Divorce is never easy, especially when children are involved. One of the toughest decisions parents face is determining where their child will live. In Texas, this decision is influenced by various factors, including the child's age, preference, and best interests.

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Family Law FAQs

Life often throws us unexpected challenges; when those involve family matters, the stakes are always high. Whether you're grappling with the difficult decision of divorce, determining child custody, or stepping into the adventure of adoption, our team at Sinclair Law Group is here to guide you with compassion, experience, and dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes.

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